Free Coding Workshop
(The first round course of virtual programming class was already finished. If you have interests on the next workshop – Happy Learning Python, your can pre-study all recorded video of last round. It would be more helpful for the study of programming. It is entirely free released. The link is here. )

Topic: Happy Learning Python
Duration: 2 weeks
Date: 16 Aug.(Mon.) – 27 Aug.(Fri.)
Time: 7:00PM to 8:00PM from Monday to Friday
Lecturer: Ivan Chiou (IT volunteer in MOFA)
What you will learn in this virtual class?
- Basic programming knowledge
- You will know how to create a APPs or game or website…
- Get electronic certificate after you finish the homework
- Why we learn Python
- What is programming?
- What is python?
- What is data?
- Software installation
- Start your first python project
- Write your first code
- Basic
- What is variable?
- datatype
- Operator
- Input / Output
- debug error & comment
- Condition & loop
- if & else
- while
- for & for range
- break & continue
- Object
- List
- Tuple
- Set
- Dictionary
- function (def)
- Modularize
- Parameter
- Lambda (functional programming)
- Exception
- Class & Inheritance & super & self
- Library & import xxx as x & from module path
- Create an app, tools, game or website…
- Web crawler(scrapy)
- Big data analytics and visualization(datapane, plotly.express)
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence(pyTorch, pandas, numpy)
- Web development / video streaming (django, flask, opencv)
- Game development (pygame)
- GUI(User Interface) Applications(Kivy, tkinter, PyQt, video editor, freeCAD)
- ERP(Enterprise resource planning)
- …
What you must have before you participate in this class?
- A desktop or laptop
- Accessible Wifi
Registration (Deadline: 11:59PM, 15th Aug., 2021).
contact email: ivan.chiou@nevisrelaymarathon.com
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