Free Coding Workshops

Free Coding Workshop

(The first round course of virtual programming class was already finished. If you have interests on the next workshop – Happy Learning Python, your can pre-study all recorded video of last round. It would be more helpful for the study of programming. It is entirely free released. The link is here. )

Topic: Happy Learning Python

Duration: 2 weeks

Date: 16 Aug.(Mon.) – 27 Aug.(Fri.)

Time: 7:00PM to 8:00PM from Monday to Friday

Lecturer: Ivan Chiou (IT volunteer in MOFA)

What you will learn in this virtual class?

  1. Basic programming knowledge
  2. You will know how to create a APPs or game or website…
  3. Get electronic certificate after you finish the homework


  1. Why we learn Python
    1. What is programming?
    2. What is python?
    3. What is data?
    4. Software installation
    5. Start your first python project
    6. Write your first code
  2. Basic
    1. What is variable?
    2. datatype
    3. Operator
    4. Input / Output
    5. debug error & comment
  3. Condition & loop
    1. if & else
    2. while
    3. for & for range
    4. break & continue
  4. Object
    1. List
    2. Tuple
    3. Set
    4. Dictionary
  5. function (def)
    1. Modularize
    2. Parameter
    3. Lambda (functional programming)
    4. Exception
  6. Class & Inheritance & super & self
  7. Library & import xxx as x & from module path
  8. Create an app, tools, game or website…
    1. Web crawler(scrapy)
    2. Big data analytics and visualization(datapane,
    3. Machine learning and artificial intelligence(pyTorch, pandas, numpy)
    4. Web development / video streaming (django, flask, opencv)
    5. Game development (pygame)
    6. GUI(User Interface) Applications(Kivy, tkinter, PyQt, video editor, freeCAD)
    7. ERP(Enterprise resource planning)

What you must have before you participate in this class?

  1. A desktop or laptop
  2. Accessible Wifi

Registration (Deadline: 11:59PM, 15th Aug., 2021).

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